

My name is Stephanie, and this is my first blog. I enjoy reading, writing, watching documentaries, and have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. I am a student residing in the Harrisburg area of Pennsylvania. My top priority at this point (and hopefully will be the rest of my life) is to stay clean from drugs and alcohol and live a happy sober life.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. How often do you get a reply from an Australian who lived in the U.S. (Tulsa and Bennington) for ten years, has lived for forty here in France, and is very familiar with Harrisburg, notably through the family of the President of a Fortune 500 company that used to be there called AMP ? I won’t bore you with my story,but want to say that I am surprised you say you “like” my post on “Non-Atheists Anonymous”. As a believer, you have a remarkable level of tolerance of militant atheists like me, especially one who was once a Catholic priest, a Diocesan Director of Religious Education and a Professor of Religious Pedagogy. I do not apologize for my attack on the religiosity behind A.A. but do applaud you for your courage in giving yourself a life without alcohol. If you want to thank God for it, go ahead. In spite of all its God-talk, A.A. has given you the courage you need. More power to it !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Stephnie! It takes a lot of courage, guidance and grace to keep away from drugs and alcohol and I pray you made it one day at a time. I am a wife of a recovering alcoholic, he is 31 years sober now and his sobriety tells me what it means to live one day at a time. Three years ago, I lost my 21 year old son to drunk driving and from there I can tell you how devastating the disease of alcoholism is.When I was ten, I lost my dad as well to drunk driving. I am happy to hear that you are making it a priority to stay away from this culprit.It made a lot of sense, there is so much in store for you.Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Stephanie!

    Thank you for liking a post on our blog. I went to yours and read your topmost entry. I was so moved by it, I had to leave a comment here. You’ve had a rough road behind you, the road ahead of you may be just as rough, but you are not on that road alone. All of us, in ways large or small, are here to help! If my friends and I have managed to brighten your day with our stories, it would make the work we put into them worthwhile. I wish you love, peace, and success, and may the God of your understanding continue to guide you on your journey.

    Very respectfully yours,


  4. Hi Stephanie, thanks for visiting my blog and liking my first-party-sober-with-helium post! My blog isn’t exclusively about my active alcoholism and sobriety, but I write about it when it fits. I have 32 years sobriety, and I know someday you’ll have that and more: you’re starting recovery/AA much younger than I did. I know you’ll succeed. I’m following you now so I can watch the miracle. Work the program, and enjoy your life!


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